Welcome to 6th Rayleigh Sea Scouts. We cover the following sections…
Beavers for 6 – 8 year olds; Cubs for 8 – 10.5 year olds; Scouts for 10.5 – 14 year olds
All of the above sections are open to both Boys and Girls. The Group meets every week during term time and the Young People have a chance to take part in various activities relevant to their age group. These can involve outdoor activities, playing games, learning new skills, and adventurous activities which will give them skills for life.
All the sections have a range of activity badges to complete and also many Challenge Awards to enable them to complete either their Chief Scout Bronze, Silver, or Gold Awards which is the top award that can be earned in each section.
For any enquiries please contact Wendy Bye on 07940 915953
Tuesdays and Thursdays • 9:30am – 12:30pm • Nash Hall
Members can work with their own choice of medium and subject. Support and advice given. For more information, come along to a class or contact the church and we will pass your details on to the group leader.
3rd Friday of the month • 1:30pm-3:30pm • Except August • Wesley Room
The Trefoil Guild is a part of Girlguiding and we provide fun, friendship, personal opportunities and support, plus new challenges for all women or men from the age of 18 who would be interested in joining us. Our Rayleigh Guild is one of eight in Essex South East and has 38 members. We help support the local Guiding Units and raise money to donate to local charities every year through events such as coffee mornings. We welcome new members, please contact us through the church or feel free to just turn up to one of our meetings!
You can find out about the work of Trefoil Guild around the country the national website:
Townswomen’s Guild is a national organisation. We normally have a speaker, followed by tea & coffee, and any other business. Outings are arranged, mainly consisting of lunches in local restaurants and sometimes a group holiday. National events are arranged covering everything from bowls, quizzes and carol concerts. We would be very pleased to welcome you as a guest and to see our programme. Do come along, we would love to see you.