
Home Groups

We have three house groups – one that meets monthly on a Monday and two that meet fortnightly on a Friday. We meet to catch up, talk about faith, encourage one another and pray together, and we love to welcome new people into these communities.

Memory Worship

Memory Worship is aimed at those living with dementia, and their carers, but is open to everyone with or without dementia. It’s a chance to express faith through familiar songs and sayings. The service lasts for around 30 minutes and is followed by craft and coffee.

Wesley Guild

It meets from Mid September to May on Thursday at 2pm. It is an accessible, open and welcoming fellowship to men and women of all ages,  interests and backgrounds. We have varied evenings following a four-point programme:-

  • Devotional
  • Christian Service
  • Cultural and Musical
  • Social

Our Motto is ‘one Heart – one Way’

Ladies Club 

We meet on a Wednesday Afternoon from 1.45pm-3.15pm.
We are welcoming and friendly with good companionship among our members. This is a very informal club, and we have some vaired and interesting speakers. Good discussions and many laughs.
Members who have missed a few meetings always feel welcomed when they return.
We go on outings – often to eat!
Always open to new ideas and would welcome new members.
Meetings last about 1½ to 1¾ hours and of course, we have tea and a bisuit (and sometimes cake).
At the moment we have about 12-15 members.
(Someone suggested we were a group of middle-aged ladies, until we realised we were anticipating reaching the ripe old age of 12-140!!!)

Alpha Course

Alpha is an opportunity to explore Christianity with others through group discussions. Everyone is welcome, whatever your beliefs. The course runs all over the world to allow people to ask questions and explore faith, and we run here at RMC!